Saturday, September 10, 2016

Topic: Blogs vs. Wikis

My research topic includes what I am doing right now; blogging. I am going to compare and contrast the differences and similarities between blogs and wikis. I have never started my own blog or contributed towards a wiki. This will be something new and interesting for me to do research on.  I do know that blogs contain personal stories and thoughts on anything that a blogger would like to share and wikis are sites that let users add or delete content on. I will also be doing more research on how they impact each other or if they are good complements to one another. It would also be good to see what kind of impact they have on users and new media as a whole.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kevin,

    Honestly, I think you will be able to learn a lot for that project. Today, the blogs and wikis are taking over social networking. People are constantly using them for many different reasons; personal and professional. I, myself, find it hard to distinguish between the two.
    I look forward to reading your posts throughout the semester.
