Saturday, October 8, 2016

Social Networking Sites

I have visited four of the most popular social media sites that are out there today which includes the likes of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

I use Facebook on a daily basis whether it is trying to catch up on the news on your news feed or chatting with friends through messenger. I like how Facebook lets you connect or add friends with basically anyone from around the world who also has an account. This goes to show you how far new media has come. I believe that Facebook holds the most users out of all the social media sites. You are able to post statuses, add your friends, uploads photos or videos, and also like certain posts or pages in which you are interested in.

I have been using Twitter for almost two years now and I am loving it. You can place tweets out that are available for the world to see. Following other users is also a nice feature that they have where you are able to gather updates from the users you follow including their thoughts and opinions on different issues. Hash-tagging is a key component of Twitter because that is how tweets are found and you can basically come up with anything related to that tweet.

LinkedIn is the professional site of Facebook. It has many different purposes. You can create a profile of yourself to image your resume as an alternative including adding your education, work experience, and skills. Your profile would expose yourself to thousands of employers looking to find the right candidate for their vacant positions. It is also more of a networking tool where you can interact with many different professionals whom are also in your career path.

Lastly, YouTube is the staple of homemade videos that get uploaded on a daily basis. It has many different content ranging from sports to music to comedy, etc. I have been loyal fan of YouTube since it first came out in 2006 and I haven't looked back. You are able to subscribe to many different channels out there which notifies you when the person subscribed to you has uploaded a new video. Videos can also be liked or disliked, and commented on. I surf YouTube on my spare time more than any other social media site.


  1. Hey Kevin,

    Great post! I really enjoyed reading your interpretation of the different social networking sites. It is so interesting that everyone has a completely different opinion of them and that it differs from person to person which site they like most. I am brand new to Twitter, but it seems like you are a pro!

    -Sarah B.

  2. Hey Kevin & Sarah

    I also really enjoyed your post, and actually got a better picture to how to actually use it. Just like Sarah I am very new to it but I really like the way it is designed.

  3. Hey Kevin & Sarah

    I also really enjoyed your post, and actually got a better picture to how to actually use it. Just like Sarah I am very new to it but I really like the way it is designed.
