Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Next New Thing

There are countless new types of media that are being introduced every few years and a handful of them will take the world by storm in the near future. One type of new media I suggest that hasn't existed yet is an app which would allow users to detect parking spaces available around their neighborhood. Parking is extremely hard to find especially in the city and during at night. This would benefit many drivers including myself because I usually spend more time looking for parking than getting to my destination. I doubt there would be an app that reflects on this, but I would not be surprised within the next couple years someone will make it happen. This is because technology is evolving at an interminable pace.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Our Class Wiki - So Far

I have been adding new graphics and photos onto several wiki pages so far that I had interest on including Sports in New Media and Gaming. I also proofread the content on the wikis whether it was deleting unnecessary words or if other users made any errors. In addition, I also fixed up some of the grammar on these pages. For the content that had no references, I had to add a reference that backed up what was said for it. For the upcoming week or so, I will do more research in the realm of sports and new media by contributing my own thoughts and content to these wiki pages. All the changes I have made so far will aid readers and users into having a better understanding and visual on the topic including the improved grammar and added graphics.

P2P File Sharing

What is file sharing? 
File sharing is basically what it looks like. It is the sharing of various media clips, audio, documents, and much more. People can share these files through mediums including using a flash drive, email, and clouds.

What is P2P File sharing?
P2P is the acronym for Peer to Peer and it is used through a P2P sharing network software on a computer. Computers are the staple of file sharing through a network and between two different systems. The computers on the network serve both as a workstation and a server for the massive amount of files that are shared to each other.

What are some examples of P2P file sharing?
Some examples of P2P file sharing include the likes of popular torrent softwares in Pirate Bay and BitTorrent. These are softwares that complement each other where BitTorrent sync files and torrents downloaded from Pirate Bay onto your computer. These files range from movies to music to games that you can upload or download onto your computer. According to an article written by Brian Shelter and Brad Stone, "People have swapped illegal copies of songs, television shows and movies on the Internet for years. The slow download process, often using a peer-to-peer technology called BitTorrent, required patience and a modicum of sophistication by users. Now, users do not even have to download." This shows that P2P file sharing has been around for years and it is popular among users on the internet because everything torrented is free essentially.


1) Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios by Brian Stelter and Brad Stone. The New York Times, Feb 5, 2009, p. A1

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Advice to Baruch College

I would create an official Facebook page for Baruch as like an alternative to the Student Life emails they would send every week. This would be more convenient to the students because I am pretty sure most of the students at Baruch has a Facebook account. I would also post news, updates, schedule changes to the page on a weekly pages so the students are up to date with what is going around on campus. An Instagram page would also help improve the college and its brand, by uploading pictures of everyday college life at Baruch. Pictures would include beautiful photos of the plaza, campus photos, student interaction, and much more. Lastly, I would have a Humans of Baruch page as a replica to the famous Humans of New York if they do not have it already. This would allow students or even future students to see what the Baruch community is like instead of the typical going to class and going back home perception that everyone has of a college experience.

Privacy & Confidentiality

The internet stores an abundance of information including jeopardizing one's privacy and confidentiality. All of this directly relates to New Media and its tools which has barely secured a person's personal information. Individuals have all the control and freedom from these applications, but barely any control on the information that gets published onto the internet. New Media technologies include popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. While, they do allow you to filter your privacy settings, not everything could be set to private. People on the internet are like geniuses. They will somehow, someway find a way to bypass through all privacy protocols and leak out your information. BE CAREFUL of what you post online and this should not be an issue in the future.