Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Our Class Wiki - So Far

I have been adding new graphics and photos onto several wiki pages so far that I had interest on including Sports in New Media and Gaming. I also proofread the content on the wikis whether it was deleting unnecessary words or if other users made any errors. In addition, I also fixed up some of the grammar on these pages. For the content that had no references, I had to add a reference that backed up what was said for it. For the upcoming week or so, I will do more research in the realm of sports and new media by contributing my own thoughts and content to these wiki pages. All the changes I have made so far will aid readers and users into having a better understanding and visual on the topic including the improved grammar and added graphics.


  1. Kevin, you are a self starter, I can tell from your blog post you are one of those people that fight for more work. Your work ethic is an essential ingredient for us to finish the wiki on time.

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