Thursday, November 10, 2016

Advice to Baruch College

I would create an official Facebook page for Baruch as like an alternative to the Student Life emails they would send every week. This would be more convenient to the students because I am pretty sure most of the students at Baruch has a Facebook account. I would also post news, updates, schedule changes to the page on a weekly pages so the students are up to date with what is going around on campus. An Instagram page would also help improve the college and its brand, by uploading pictures of everyday college life at Baruch. Pictures would include beautiful photos of the plaza, campus photos, student interaction, and much more. Lastly, I would have a Humans of Baruch page as a replica to the famous Humans of New York if they do not have it already. This would allow students or even future students to see what the Baruch community is like instead of the typical going to class and going back home perception that everyone has of a college experience.


  1. Hi Kevin,
    I think these ideas to improve Baruch are great. I really do believe that Facebook is a better medium of communication than Student Life emails. I'm sure that students also check their school emails frequently too. However, I don't think that they read these e-mails thoroughly, and frequently just toss it in the trash (like I do sometimes). I also like your idea of creating an Instagram page for the school. From my knowledge, there are already existing Instagram accounts dedicated to various student organizations and Greek organizations. If an account was created for the entire school, I think it will be more inclusive for the students who are not involved in the campus.


  2. Hey kevin ,
    I like your ideas as well because I believe it would be the same way to reach out to the kids on campus via facebook instead of emails.

  3. Hey Kevin,

    Great ideas of using new media to improve Baruch! I think that they already have a facebook page already but I am sure that they can also use some of your other ideas. I especially like your idea of humans of Baruch. I think that it would be very interesting to read posts about other peoples live in baruch.


  4. Hey Kevin,

    My friend actually started a Humans of Baruch facebook page a little over a year ago. Check it out here:

  5. Hi Kevin,
    I do agree with you because from personal experience, I usually don't read email and move it in to trash or other folder, but when I am on Facebook, at least I quickly scan every single post on the site.
