Thursday, November 10, 2016

Privacy & Confidentiality

The internet stores an abundance of information including jeopardizing one's privacy and confidentiality. All of this directly relates to New Media and its tools which has barely secured a person's personal information. Individuals have all the control and freedom from these applications, but barely any control on the information that gets published onto the internet. New Media technologies include popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. While, they do allow you to filter your privacy settings, not everything could be set to private. People on the internet are like geniuses. They will somehow, someway find a way to bypass through all privacy protocols and leak out your information. BE CAREFUL of what you post online and this should not be an issue in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kevin
    I agree with you about what you put up in the internet.
    Plus not only what you write or post on the internet but also what you click on is also a big part of your privacy.(such as 'like' on Facebook).
    I think privacy in internet is a sacrifice between your privacy and human relationship within internet and also offline.
